Horiba FluoroLog3-21 modular spectrofluorometer with cooled PMT detector for enhanced sensitivy. Combined with CH Instruments 1220 potentiostat and Thorlabs Power meter for photocurrent action spectra.
Bio-Rad Excalibur FTIR spectrometer with liquid N2 cooled MCT detector and Harrick Scientific VariGATR Grazing Angle Accessory for surface IR analysis.
Agilent 8453 diode-array UV-Vis spectrophotometer with Julabo temperature controller for variable temperature absorption spectra.
Electrochemistry Lab
CH Instruments 440A potentiostat for general electrochemistry and EQCM.
Princeton Applied Research 263A potentiostat and 5210 lock-in amplifier for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
Pine Research Instrumentation WaveDriver 20 biopotentiostat set up for electrocatalytic studies.
Pine Research Instrumentation Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode set up for electrocatalytic studies.
GOW-MAC Series 350 Gas Chromatograph equipped with molecular sieve columns for analysis of gasseous products of electrocatalysis.