Past News


  • 12/12/19 - First-year graduate student Chris Almquist joins the group. Congratulations and welcome!
  • 9/6/19 - Nate Anderson's paper on utilizing DNA origami to investigate plasmon-mediated energy transfer is published in ACS Appl. Nano Mater [link].
  • 8/22/19 - Keegan Fitzgerald (RPI Class of 2021 in Chemical Engineering) joins the group.
  • 7/18/19 - Prof. Dinolfo is awarded a 3-year grant from the Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry (MSN) program in the Chemistry Division at the National Science Foundation to develop efficient electrochromic materials. [link]


  • 12/14/18 - First-year graduate student Charlie McCabe joins the group. Congratulations and welcome!
  • 12/11/18 - Congratulations to Guangyu Hu on successfully defending his M.S. thesis on Molecular Structure Induced Aggregation Effects on the Photophysical Properties of Perylene Diimide Based Multilayer Thin Films.
  • 11/16/18 - Congratulations to Nate Anderson on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis on DNA-Nanostructured Modular Energy Transfer Arrays and their Enhancement With Gold Nanoparticles.
  • 9/10/18 - Peter Palomaki (Ph.D. 12') returns to RPI to give a C&CB departmental seminar so its a great time for a Dinolfo Group reunion! So glad that Subhadeep Kal (Ph.D. 13') and Alexandra Krawicz (Ph.D. 12') could join us!
  • 8/31/18 - Jeremey Brinkler (RPI Class of 2021 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 8/30/18 - Naomi Robinson (RPI Class of 2019 in Chemical Engineering) joins the group.
  • 8/25/18 - A collaborative project with Prof. Kim Lewis (RPI Physics and Howard Univ.) on electron transport through porphytrin molecular junctions is published in Organic Electronics. [DOI link]
  • 5/21/18 - Zhehao Yuan (RPI Class of 2020 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 5/19/18 - Congratulations to Boris Kramar (Chemistry BS '18), Jane Edgington (Chem Eng BS '18), and Kevin Hoover (Chem Eng BS '18) on their graduatation from RPI. Boris and Jane are on their way to Northwestern University for graduate school. Kevin will be entering the workforce.
  • 5/1/18 - Congratulations to Max on receiving a George J. Janz Award for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry which will support his summer research on the synthesis and characterization of mixed-valent Ruthenium squares!
  • 1/22/18 - Nate's paper on Porphyrin-DNA Constructs for the Self-Assembly of Modular Energy Transfer Arrays is published in J. Mater Chem. C. [DOI link]
  • 3/7/18 - Zack Sitte (RPI Class of 2019 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 1/18/18 - Robert Trudeau (RPI Class of 2020 in Chemical Engineering) joins the group.


  • 12/14/17 - First-year graduate students Adrian Campbell-Riives and David Hontz join the group. Congratulations and welcome!
  • 9/27/17 - Max Osterberg (RPI Class of 2020 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 9/13/17 - Iris Delaney (RPI Class of 2019 in Chemical Engineering) joins the group.
  • 9/7/17 - Kentaro Hansen (RPI Class of 2019 in Chemical Engineering) joins the group.
  • 5/15/17 - Contratulations to James Buchwald for successfully defending his PhD thesis on the "Theoretical Studies of Charge Transfer Phenomena in Molecular Systems for Renewable Energy Applications." He will be starting a new job at Lockheed Martin in the fall.
  • 5/2/17 - Congratulations to Kevin for winning a Summer Undergraduate Research Program fellowship from the Office of Undergraduate Education at Rensselaer. This will support his summer research into the fluoresence properties of porphyrin based multilayer films.
  • 4/25/17 - Congratulations to Nate Anderson on being awarded the Slezak Memorial Fellowship which will support his summer 2017 research.
  • 3/31/17 - Congratulations to Jane for winning a 2017 Barry Goldwater Scholarship [link] !!!
  • 3/10/17 - Guangyu Hu, graduate student in Material Science & Engineering, joins the group.
  • 1/25/17 - Kevin Hoover (RPI Class of 2018 in Chemical Engineering) joins the group.


  • 9/21/16 - Shangshang Cao (RPI Class of 2019 in Chemical Engineering) joins the group.
  • 8/29/16 - William Arthur (RPI Class of 2018 in Electrical Engineering) joins the group.
  • 8/7/16 - Louis and Prof. Dinolfo each present research posters at the 2016 Gordon Research Conference on Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions in Newport, RI.
  • 7/13/16 - A big day for Marissa: She successfully defends her PhD thesis on the electrochemical properties of phorphyrin based multilayer films and her paper on electrochemical rectification is published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces [DOI]
  • 5/28/16 - Eliot Woods (BS '16) graduates from RPI and is on his way to the Northwestern University for graduate school.
  • 5/10/16 - Congratulations to Michaela on receiving a George J. Janz Award for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry which will support her summer research on the mixed-valent properties of phenol dimers!
  • 5/9/16 - Congratulations to James Buchwald on being awarded the Slezak Memorial Fellowship which will support his summer 2016 research.
  • 4/28/16 - James and Subhadeep's paper on the electrochemical properties of a penta-coordinate cobalt(III) salen complex is published in the special issue, Emerging Leaders of Coordination Chemistry, in J. Coord. Chem. [DOI]
  • 4/18/16 - Justin Martin (RPI Class of 2018 in Chem Eng) joins the group.
  • 2/19/16 - Michaela Burnley (RPI Class of 2018 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 2/3/16 - Boris Kramar (RPI Class of 2018 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 1/28/16 - Jane Edgington (RPI Class of 2018 in Chem Eng) joins the group.


  • 12/31/15 - Zhaorui (Matt) Huang (BS Chemistry '16) and Jun Jie (Josh) Lin (BS Chem Eng '16) graduate from RPI. Zhaorui is on his way to Stanford University for graduate school.
  • 10/24/15 - Congratulations to Jeremey Amdur for winning one of RPI's prestigious Founders Award for Excellence.
  • 8/16/15 - James Buchwald and Marissa Civic present their research at teh 250th American Chemical Soceity National Meeting in Boston, MA.
  • 6/1/15 - Congratulations to Michael Topka on winning the Walter H. Bauer Doctoral Prize. This prize is awarded annually at graduation to a student with an exceptional graduate record, has carried out meritorious doctoral thesis research, and shows outstanding promise in the field of chemistry.
  • 6/1/15 - Congratulations to James Buchwald on being awarded the Dr. Johanna Maas Graduate Teaching Assistantship Award which is given to a Chemistry graduate student who has shown exceptional performance as a teaching assistant.
  • 6/1/15 - Congratulations to Marissa Civic on being awarded the Slezak Memorial Fellowship which will support her summer 2015 research.
  • 6/1/15 - Congratulations to Jeffrey Galczynski on receiving an Arthur G. Schultz Award for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry which will support his summer research on the synthesis of phenol dimers!
  • 5/30/15 - Congratulations to Samantha Donovan (BS '15) and Ian deJoode (BS '15) on their graduatation from RPI. Sam is on her way to Arizona State University and Ian is heading to Washington State University for graduate school.
  • 4/28/15 - Alex's paper on the synthesis and current-voltage measurements of Zn porphyrin molecular junctions, in collaboration with Prof. Kim Lewis and Prof. Vincent Meunir in the Dept. Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy, is published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces [DOI]
  • 3/26/15 - Mike's paper on the synthesis and photophysical characterization of energy transfer in BODIPY-Zn(II)Porphyrin multilayer films is published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces [DOI]
  • 3/16/15 - Congratulations to Marissa for winning an ACS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) and Eli Lilly and Company Travel Award to attend the ACS 250th National Meeting & Exposition in Boston, MA.
  • 3/10/15 - Congratulations to Eliot for winning a Summer Undergraduate Research Program fellowship sponsored by the School of Science at Rensselaer. This will support his summer research on the examination of mixed-valence properties of phenols dimers.
  • 2/1/15 - Jeffrey Galczynski (RPI Class of 2018 in Chemistry) joins the group.


  • 12/15/14 - First-year graduate student Nate Anderson joins the research group and will be co-advised by Prof. Xing Wang!
  • 11/21/14 - Congratulations to Michael on successfully defending his PhD thesis on developing molecular light harvesting arrays!
  • 10/25/14 - James Buchwald wins one of RPI's prestigious Founders Award for Excellence.
  • 10/19/14 - James and Subhadeep's paper utilizing DFT calculations to predict the mechanistic pathway for water oxidation with our Mn catalysts is published in J. Phys. Chem. C [DOI]
  • 9/17/14 - Tyler LeBlond (RPI Class of 2017 in Chemistry and Physics) joins the group.
  • 8/27/14 - Jeremy Amdur (RPI Class of 2017 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 8/13/14 - Subhadeep and Louis's paper describing electrocatalytic and photosensitized water oxidation with a dimanganese bissalen is published in Inorg. Chim. Acta. [DOI]
  • 8/3/14 - Marissa Civic, Michael Topka and Prof. Dinolfo attend the 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions in Newport, RI. [photos]
  • 7/17/14 - Evan and Mike's paper on perylenediimide based molecular multilayer thin films is published in RSC Adv. [DOI]
  • 6/25/14 - Subhadeep's paper on the electrochemical reduction of H+ to H2 catalyzed by dicobalt bis-salen complexes is published in Inorg. Chem. [DOI]
  • 5/24/14 - Robert Fimognari (BS '14) graduates from RPI and is on his way to the University of Texas at Austin for graduate school.
  • 5/23/14 - Congratulations to Marissa Civic on being awarded the Dr. Johanna Maas Graduate Teaching Assistantship Award which is given to a Chemistry graduate student who has shown exceptional performance as a teaching assistant.
  • 5/5/14 - Congratulations to Zhaorui on receiving a George J. Janz Award for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry which will support his summer research on luminescent perylene diimide based molecular multilayer films!
  • 5/5/14 - Congratulations to Eliot on receiving an Arthur G. Schultz Award for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry which will support his summer research on the study of the mixed-valent properties of phenol dimers!
  • 4/2/14 - Congratulations to James on receiving an Honorable Mention for National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program! [link]
  • 3/26/14 - Marissa and James each present research posters at the Center for Future Energy Systems 2013-2014 Annual Conference.
  • 2/25/14 - Congratulations to Samantha for winning a Summer Undergraduate Research Program fellowship sponsored by the School of Science at Rensselaer. This will support her summer research on the electrochemical charge transfer properties of molecular multilayers.


  • 12/10/13 - First-year graduate student Louis Ayensu-Mensah joins the research group.
  • 11/21/13 - Congratulations to Subhadeep on successfully defending his PhD thesis on developing molecular catalysts for water splitting!
  • 11/15/13 - Subhadeep's paper on the electrochemical and spectroscopic characterization of dimanganese tetrakis-Schiff base macrocycles is published in Inorg. Chem. [DOI link]
  • 8/23/13 - Zhaorui (Matt) Huang (RPI Class of 2016 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 6/17/13 - Peter and Marissa's paper on the photoelectrochemical response of porphyrin multilayers is published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. [DOI link]
  • 5/25/13 - Carolyn Buckley (BS '13) and Laura Donovan (BS '13) graduate from RPI and Dr. Alexandra Krawicz (PhD '12) returns for the doctoral hooding event. Carolyn Buckley is on her way to Georgia Tech for graduate school. [photos]
  • 5/24/13 - Prof. Dinolfo wins the 2013 RPI School of Science Outstanding Teaching Award.
  • 5/21/13 - Jun Jie (Josh) Lin (RPI Class of 2016 in Chem Eng) joins the group.
  • 4/10/13 - James Buchwald wins the best oral presenation award at the Fourth Annual Rensselaer Undergraduate Research Symposium. [photo]
  • 4/1/13 - Prof. Dinolfo wins a 2013 CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation to study the development of multilayer light harvesting arrays for molecular based solar cells. [link]
  • 3/30/13 - Ian deJoode (RPI Class of 2015 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 3/25/13 - Samantha Donovan (RPI Class of 2015 in Chemistry) joins the group.
  • 2/12/13 - Eliot Woods (RPI Class of 2016 in Chemistry) joins the group.


  • 12/20/12 - Mark Straub (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 12/6/12 - Matthew and Mike's research paper on BODIPY-ZnTPP donor-acceptor energy transfer arrays is published in Inorganic Chemistry. [DOI link]
  • 8/20/12 - Four seniors from Queensbury High School attend the first annual Queensbury - RPI Solar Camp. The students built and tested their own Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and examined the efficiency of solar driven water splitting using an electrolyzer and a silicon photovoltaic. Photos from the three day workshop can be found here.
  • 7/19/12 - Alexandra's research paper on the structure of porphyrin multilayers assembled on Au electrodes is published in RSC Advances. [DOI link]
  • 7/13/12 - Alexandra Krawicz successfully defends her PhD thesis on "Porphyrin-Based Molecular Multilayer Films Assembled via Cu(I)-Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Coupled Layer-by-Layer Method for Light Harvesting Applications". Following graduation, she will start a postdoctoral position at the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
  • 6/3/12 - Peter Palomaki was a Nottingham Prize finalist at the 72nd Physical Electronics Conference in Dallas Texas.
  • 5/26/12 - The 2012 mass exodus from the Dinolfo Group: Peter Palomaki (PhD '12), Tycho Spadaro (MS '12), Kallie Powers (BS '12), Melissa Clark (BS '12), and Evan Beauvillers (BS '12) graduate from RPI. [photos]
  • 5/25/12 - The Dinolfo Group cleans up on student awards at the RPI School of Science Class of 2012 Commencement Brunch.
    • Evan Beauvilliers wins the Class of 1902 Research Prize.
    • Kallie Powers wins the William Pitt Mason Prize and the Merck Index Award.
    • Peter Palomaki wins the W. H. Bauer Doctoral Prize in Chemistry.
    • Subhadeep Kal wins the Slezak Memorial Fellowship.
    • Carolyn Buckley wins the Arthur G. Schultz Award.
  • 5/13/12 - Subhadeep Kal and Prof. Dinolfo attend the Gordon Research Conference on Renewable Energy - Solar Fuels in Barga, Italy.
  • 5/6/12 - Alexandra Krawicz wins 4th place poster award at the 221st Electrochemical Society Meeting in Seattle, WA.
  • 4/25/12 - Subhadeep Kal is awarded the Slezak Memorial Fellowship which will support his summer 2012 research.
  • 4/11/12 - Kallie Powers wins the best poster award at the Spring 2012 Rensselaer Undergraduate Research Symposium.
  • 4/5/12 - Peter Palomaki successfully defends his PhD thesis on "Layer-by-Layer Fabrication of Porphyrin Multilayer Films via Copper(I)-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition: Film Properties and Applications in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells". Following graduation, he will start a postdoctoral position at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
  • 4/2/12 - Alexandra Krawicz wins the best poster award at the 2012 Spring Meeting of the AVS Hudson-Mohawk Chapter.
  • 1/20/12 - Rob Fimognari (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.


  • 12/30/11 - Thomas Fauvell (BS '11) gradautes from RPI and is headed to E-Ink Corporation as a Scientist.
  • 12/12/11 - First year graduate student, Marissa Civic, joins the group.
  • 10/26/11 - Peter's research paper on the structure of Layer-by-Layer assembled molecular multilayers using CuAAC is published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces . [DOI link]
  • 9/23/11 - Laura Donovan (RPI junior undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 9/23/11 - Carolyn Buckley (RPI junior undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 9/2/11 - James Buchwald (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 5/29/11 - Matthew Leonardi graduates from RPI and is headed to Northwestern for graduate school. Good luck Matt!
  • 5/28/11 - Alexandra Krawicz receives an IGERT Terahertz Fellowship through the Dept. of Physics. She will be co-advised by Prof. Kim Lewis in Physics. [link]
  • 5/27/11 - Peter Palomaki wins the Dr. Johanna Maas Chemistry Teaching Assistant Award for outstanding service in the teaching program of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
  • 4/6/11 - Thomas Fauvell wins a fellowship through the Summer Undergraduate Research Program in the Office of Undergraduate Education at Rensselaer. This will support his summer research into the Layer-by-Layer functionalization of silica nanoparticles.
  • 4/4/11 - Peter Palomaki receives an IGERT Terahertz Fellowship through the Dept. of Physics. He will be co-advised by Prof. Gwo-Ching Wang in Physics. [link]
  • 3/16/11 - The group's second research paper is published in Langmuir on the structure of Layer-by-Layer assembled molecular multilayers using CuAAC. [DOI link]


  • 6/15/10 - Peter Palomaki recieves an honorable mention for the Link Foundation Energy Fellowship Program.
  • 5/29/10 - Stephen Thomas graduates from RPI and is headed to Columbia for graduate school.
  • 5/28/10 - Tycho Spadaro wins the Dr. Johanna Maas Chemistry Teaching Assistant Award for outstanding service in the teaching program of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
  • 4/14/10 - Melissa Clark receives the George J. Janz Award for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry which will support her summer research.
  • 4/7/10 - The group's first research paper is published in Langmuir on the Layer-by-Layer assembly of molecular multilayers via CuAAC chemistry. [DOI link]
  • 3/25/10 - Kallie Powers (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 3/10/10 - Thomas Fauvell receives an award from the John L. Marsh '58 Research Scholars Fund from the School of Science which will help support his summer research.
  • 2/26/10 - Evan Beauvilliers (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 2/02/10 - Mellisa Clark (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 1/07/10 - First year graduate student, Michael Topka, joins the group.


  • 10/17/09 - The group's research on solar energy conversion is mentioned in an Albany Times Union article following the NYSERDA Symposium on Biomimicry at RPI on Sept 17, 2009. [link]
  • 9/23/09 - Thomas Fauvell (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 9/17/09 - Prof. Dinolfo presents a talk about the group's work on solar energy conversion at the NYSERDA sponsored Symposium on Biomimicry at RPI.
  • 5/27/09 - Stephen Thomas wins an award from the ACS Scholars Program.
  • 5/26/09 - Incoming first year graduate student, Ben Fowler, joins the group for the summer.
  • 5/16/09 - Erik Townswend graduates from RPI and is headed to MIT for graduate school.
  • 4/21/09 - Matthew Leonardi receives the Arthur G. Schultz Award for Undergraduate Research in Organic Chemistry which will support his summer research.
  • 3/18/09 - Matthew Leonardi (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 1/26/09 - Thomas McGrath (RPI junior undergraduate) joins the group.


  • 12/11/08 - First year graduate students, Subhadeep Kal & Tycho Spadaro, join the group.
  • 10/31/08 - Pres. Jackson announces the opening of Thomas R. Baruch ’60 Center for Biochemical Solar Energy Research. The Dinolfo group joins the center as one of the founding members. [RPI News link]
  • 10/17/08 - Stephen Thomas wins one of RPI's prestigious Founders Award for Excellence.
  • 4/25/08 - Stephen Thomas receives the George J. Janz Award for Undergraduate Research in Chemistry which will support his summer research.
  • 4/18/08 - Alex and Peter join Prof. Dinolfo in Woods Hole, MA for the Eastern Regional Photosynthetic Conference. Peter wins prize for the best research poster.
  • 2/6/08 - Erik Townsend (RPI junior undergraduate) joins the group.


  • 12/14/07 - First year graduate students, Alexandra Krawicz & Peter Palomaki, join the group.
  • 12/05/07 - Stephen Thomas (RPI sophomore undergraduate) joins the group.
  • 8/16/07 - The Dinolfo Lab opens for business.
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